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Paul’s Travels

Blogs in here begin in 2019.

Greetings and all that.

A word or two on images, galleries, and videos, of which there are a lot of here.

Click on a thumbnail to get a slideshow in a “lightbox.” Then use right/left arrow to advance/retreat. A right arrow when at the last photo will display the first photo again. Click in photo area to reveal/hide caption and description, if any. Most photos will have a caption.

To get out of lightbox mode, click outside the enlarged image, or on the X in the upper right corner.

Hit esc to return to the post after viewing a video in fullscreen mode. YouTube no longer provides a way to prevent recommendations at the end of a video. Sorry about that. At least YouTube doesn’t start right in showing you the next one it knew you wanted to see! (All these videos live on YouTube and we’re just borrowing them briefly to watch them here.)