Friday, November 30, 2018

But we digress. No, actually, we get ahead of ourselves. First, I need to show you the peaceful scene (above) from last November where there’s lotsa shade from the south trunk of the tree that we’re saying goodbye to in this blog post. Clothes appear to be happily drying on a line suspended between fence and anchor point on the house.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Three months later, as I’m innocently starting to hang up clothes I notice the pepper tree branches are even lower than shown in the photo above –– in fact they’re interfering!
Yes, something is very wrong. (Very perceptive Paul!)
Chris and I don’t panic. The philodendron that usually threatens Chris’s head and shoulders as she leaves the garage has been underfoot the last couple days but she doesn’t think much of it. My funky system of suspending the plant between the two pepper tree trunks with baling twine, bamboo and an old seatbelt failed. (My funky systems have been known to fail before.)
Thursday, February 7, 2019
I call the arborist we’d worked with 20 years ago when building the garage. He refers us to a company who actually does work on trees, not just consult, A and J Tree Company.
John (the “J” presumably) stops by about noon to assess. He returns about 4 pm because our tree keeps bothering him. John declares an emergency! He really doesn’t want this tree to shift and crunch the garage any further, so he starts right in trimming to lighten the load on the garage. A couple of other guys soon join him and by dark there is a whole lot more sky visible.
Something very familiar about the sound in this 7 second video –– and we will be hearing that sound a lot tomorrow (Friday).
Friday, February 8
Four guys from A & J spend all day crawling all over our garage and our tree — we’re in good hands. What’s more they’re hardworking, cheerful and friendly — even into the grumpy late-afternoon hours (well, it’s that way those hours can be for me!).
They protect the garage by slicing off small-enough chunks of the limbs so they can grab the chunks with ropes or arms or both and move them away from the roof before dropping them to the ground. Homeowners like to see that sort of care.
Saturday, February 9
John and wife Victoria are the only ones to appear. They’re here to load the chunks of tree I don’t want and remove them from our lives. Sure is a sweet, little grabber vehicle he’s got and he makes sure, by carefully spreading out sheets of plywood, not to rip up our side yard with its tracks.
I’m glad damage from the tree is very slight and the cost will be pretty much limited to the cost to remove the south trunk of the tree, but Chris and I really liked that tree and I feel some sadness to have so much of it gone. It was a friend.
<<<<< End of post.