With Diane, Bonnie, and Wayne. Jim and I both stayed home, in case.
The group left Santa Barbara September 29, 2019, and will return October 17.
The Plan, plus notes on the first 11 days of the trip
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Maybe it’s only half a second.
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Change trains in Los Angeles and head for Chicago.
When a train comes at me looking like this, I always have to explain to myself that they planned to do it this way!
Brief stop in Los Angeles to spend a little time in Amtrak version of United Air Lines Red Carpet Club before climbing on next train.
Near Raton, New Mexico
First of many shots showing Paul’s kitchen management style
The most significant change around here is I’m now allowed to leave the dishwasher door open. Get the feeling that none of the changes I can wreak in Chris’s absence amount to much?
A sweet, little send-off from Bonnie! If anything, I thought I was ‘spozed to GIVE going-away presents, not receive them!
The world’s largest ear of corn if one qualifies it properly
Olivia, Minnesota (where corn hybridization began) (how ’bout that?!). The claims I’ve recently read for this ear of corn aren’t even worth passing on!
A cute duckling, but why the little guy is here is a long story. It involves long-simmering, ridiculous, tensions between Paul and Bonnie, a movie, a baseball team, and Susan Sarandon.
Purna’s fine (well, obviously missing her mom, though)
Inigo is fine. Both cats are doing fine
High-tech method to keep water in spray mode
Informal, garden hose art
My section of the counter, uncluttered
Art Institute of Chicago, where Chris’s grandmother, Marie, was offered a fellowship but declined it to marry.
Chris takes a special selfie
After two days in a hotel in Chicago, it’s on to NYC
The once grand station that was here when I took the train, the New York Central then, in 1963.
Rochester NY where I lived for 5 years, taken from right in front of station.
Google Earth recreation of Chris’s photo. We’re obviously looking SE down St. Paul Avenue.
We’re bonding
Purna threw up on the bed (yup, both cats continue to be fine)
Remember that scrawny, naked, wrinkly guy in Waking Ned Devine? (Actor David Kelly)
Well, as I was dressing one morning, I caught myself in our mirror and look at that! If we’re counting wrinkles I may have him beat.
Can’t ever decide whether I think this guy is about to pick up that piece of paper or slip on it
Now to Toronto and Vancouver
Two nights in NYC, then three in Toronto, makes five straight nights in hotels.
The Plan for the 5-day Toronto to Vancouver leg
A glimpse of Niagra Falls on the way to Toronto
Chris sends me a couple beer photos?!
How cool is Flying Monkeys Brewery? And a re-order line on the glass? And I’ve always liked the looks of that fleece jacket of Diane’s. What a nice Photo!
Toronto’s famous dog fountain; at least I’m pretty sure someone said it was famous
Stock photo of Toronto’s CN tower
Close enough for Purna.
Nice environmentally responsible way to dry clothes, but — doesn’t this guy wear pants?
Night-night from somewhere near Winnipeg.
That’s the trip as of Wednesday, October 10. Well, on the 11th Chris actually called from somewhere near Saskatoon and we enjoyed an actual (private) conversation but no photos or written words.
Oh, one more thing, I cleaned up both kitty “accidents” about as soon as I took the photos, so you can stop worrying.
I’m posting this Sunday the 13th. They shoulda arrived in Vancouver at 8 this morning. I’d expect to hear from Chris soon.