Chris’s Big Trip by Train

With Diane, Bonnie, and Wayne. Jim and I both stayed home, in case.

The group left Santa Barbara September 29, 2019, and will return October 17.

The Plan, plus notes on the first 11 days of the trip

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Maybe it’s only half a second.

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Change trains in Los Angeles and head for Chicago.

After two days in a hotel in Chicago, it’s on to NYC

Now to Toronto and Vancouver

Two nights in NYC, then three in Toronto, makes five straight nights in hotels.

That’s the trip as of Wednesday, October 10. Well, on the 11th Chris actually called from somewhere near Saskatoon and we enjoyed an actual (private) conversation but no photos or written words.

Oh, one more thing, I cleaned up both kitty “accidents” about as soon as I took the photos, so you can stop worrying.

I’m posting this Sunday the 13th. They shoulda arrived in Vancouver at 8 this morning. I’d expect to hear from Chris soon.

End of post