Toss-It Tuesdays A — January 2021

Chris and I have a lot of stuff to get rid of.

Would our children want to inherit a large (huge) attic filled with treasures (junk)? And a garage in a similar state?

Our commitment is at least an hour every Tuesday. We don’t want to emphasize finding items to remove from our lives, we want to emphasize finding the items to keep. Feels like there’s a big difference. And another thing: maybe think about what we’d be keeping them for?

The 50+ photos in this post give a pretty good idea of how the attic looks as we begin the project. I expect this collection mainly to be of use to Chris and me for comparison purposes. You know, in a couple of months, when it feels like we’re not getting anywhere, we can compare current state with the beginning state.

Our children, currently also our heirs, may glance through these photos and think SHIT! I’m not gonna have to go through all that stuff some day am I? I hope they’re also wondering if there’s anything they can do to gently encourage us. Actually, they’ve done pretty well so far.

Chris is able to pile in and start emptying boxes. I seem to need to mostly start organizing, taking photos, scratching my head, and documenting. I still think we’re heading ultimately in the same direction. Maybe we’ll be getting rid of half or three-quarters of this stuff.

ABOUT IMAGES If I’ve followed my intentions completely, every image in this post can be enlarged by clicking on it. If the image is part of a gallery, what at first displays as a collection of thumbnails, then clicking on it enlarges it and puts you in slideshow mode. If there’s a caption for the image, it will appear or disappear when you click anywhere in the image.

Attic floor plan — 25ft x 45ft

Red rectangle near center is folding stairway.

Shaded areas are plywood-covered walkways and areas to store some boxes. Porch area is not covered with plywood and one must walk carefully and step only on 2″x4″s of ceiling below.

Weight of most stored items is concentrated in areas over walls between rooms.

Darker patterned area is chimney.

OVERVIEW #1 — This is the view you get as you’re coming up the steps into the attic

looking toward “front” of attic. i.e., toward top of attic diagram

OVERVIEW #2 — Looking forward again, this time from way in the back

looking forward from the way back

Lots of details from here on. Lots. If you’ve seen enough already I’m not surprised.

Stuff at the back yard end of the attic, over C’s room and kitchen

Around the middle of the attic — Living Room side

Around the middle of the attic — Bathroom side

Soledad Street end of attic


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