2019 Winter Ball

Early in the evening of January 26, 2019, my life is interrupted by a notification on my iPad from Instagram informing me a new photo is available. After a few clicks there are Sophie and Mason in his Seattle backyard all dressed up about to head off to the Winter Ball.

Sophie and Mason

Inspiring photo I’m thinking. I set up the tripod, change a couple of items of clothing, twist the little woman’s arm (or did she twist mine?) and a few minutes later a second photo of the evening is produced. [Warning! Warning! Passive voice used. I’m not ‘spozed to do that, right?]

There was something about the pants Mason was wearing. Couldn’t resist a photo response.

It turns out that Mason saw our photo before he saw his own, and it wasn’t obvious to him that Chris and I were just trying to look like him and Sophie.

Dad Bobby figured the situation out pretty quickly and sent appropriate photos to appropriate people right away.

John asked me couldn’t I have even ironed my pants?

My jams? I asked back. These jams have been in my wardrobe for years but they’re not as old as Mason.

Lotsa likes to mom Michelle for posting photo of S&M on Instagram; lotsa friendly smartass email replies to me.

Everyone kept to their own preferred mode of communication with enough overlap to still communicate just fine.

Works for me.

Update November 25, 2019

We do it again! Here’s another pair of relevant current photos. Well, the Mason and Sophie photo is current by any normal consideration (if you’re a nuclear physicist and it’s more than a billionth of a second ago then it might not be current, but nuclear physicists are a strange breed). The photo of Chris and me is only 18 years old so that’s pretty recent — after all, she and I still look just the same.

Mason & Chris; June 2002, Portland

Actually, Mason was in attendance at Andrea’s wedding in Portland in June 2002 where the above picture of Chris and me was taken. He was a wee bit younger then and probably doesn’t remember.

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