This post is my view of days 11-19 of Chris’s trip. The only photos taken during the trip that are in this post were texted to me at the time by Chris. There are thousands of photos taken during the trip they haven’t shown me yet.
Thu Oct 10
This is theIr 2nd day out from Toronto. We pick up the saga where the first post left off — just as our hardy crew is leaving Winnipeg, Manitoba.
That evening Chris and I have a brief, uncertain, call — cell coverage is spotty. I’m able to hear her tell me that it’s snowing, though!

Fri 11th
C calls from somewhere near Saskatoon. We have an actual conversation! Nice!
Sat 12th
Edmonton Jasper Kamloops I don’t remember hearing a bit about any of these places even though I expected some of the best scenery of the entire trip here. Maybe someone will show me a photo or two before long.
Sun 13th Vancouver
This was the 5th day out from Toronto, and our intrepid crew finally gets hotel rooms for the night!
Meanwhile back at the ranch, I pick up two library books for Chris and send her a photo of the books for verisimilitude (so she can see that I actually picked them up, didn’t just say I did). I’ve spared readers the photo of the two books. Pretty exciting photo, though. Chris is spared that photo, also, but not by choice! The system has decided somehow she’s unworthy and tells her the photo she’s been trying to download has expired because she dithered so long and now is deleted.
Mon 14th
Day spent around and about in Vancouver
I download a book sample to my Kindle app of Mary Elizabeth Williams’ account of her cancer. After the Dedication page, and author’s note comes this “Spoiler ” page, shown here. Got my attention.
Tue 15th
To Seattle (0900-1245)
First thing for me, I notice small, dark puddle on the kitchen counter near the fridge. I delay my breakfast, figure it out, and restore the universe to its proper order. I am not pleased to begin my day this way. Culprit is a leaky old can of Coca Cola up in the most distant part of the cupboard above the refrigerator.
The rest of day for our travellers is spent around and about Seattle, including a visit to the Space Needle and then dinner at Michelle and Bobby’s house. I send her a photo of where I’ve hidden a house key, because in two days she’s likely to get home when no one’s there and would prefer not to wait for me.
Wed 16th
Depart Seattle on final leg of trip 0945 from King Street Station, a grand old station restored to its original 1906 self in 2013.
SEATTLE (AP) – April 2013 The historic waiting room at Seattle’s King Street rail station has been restored to look exactly as it did when it opened in 1906 with its ornamental plaster ceiling, Corinthian columns, mosaic floor tiles and a massive bronze chandelier.
Inigo and I go on great gopher hunt in the parlor of our house when our crew is near Klamath Falls, OR. Summary and spoiler here: we prevail, and, it wasn’t a gopher but a rat. More details forthcoming in a separate blog post.
Best line of the evening is Chris’s: But I bet Inigo enjoyed going on the hunt with his dad!
Thu 17th
Second and final day of Amtrak’s Coast Starlight Train down the U.S. west coast
They see a small brush fire right near the tracks near El Capitan Canyon when they’re so close to home. They can see flames, air tankers and fire-fighting helicopters. An alert arrives on C’s phone telling her to evacuate now! They would not have been surprised if their train was delayed (which it was not).
Arrival is right on time, 5:55pm, while I’m recording a Breast Cancer Resource Center panel presentation/discussion at the First Presbyterian Church on Constance.
Jim collects all the travelers and gets some nice arrival photos.
They go out to dinner.
Chris arrives home before I do and uses the hidden key. I arrive about half an hour later.
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